Posts Tagged ‘Estonia’

I’ve been to Tallinn, Estonia, last weekend. I just love that place. It is so cute and compact. At least the old town which is on the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.And I totally understand why…

view over the old town

view over the old town and a part of the business area in the back(right)

Nevsky Cathedral with a bunch of tourists

Waiter outside the famous medieval restaurant “Olde Hansa“. He was pretty entertaining 🙂

enjoying the sun, a refreshing cider and getting funny tan lines on my face(fyi:the latter was not planned)

I’ve only been to Tallinn in the winter before. It looks completely different when the sun is out and the snow is gone. It’s hard to describe. It was actually a little too hot at times. (Not admitting that I might not be used to temperatures over 0°C anymore.)

how cute is that??

lotsa artists on the streets…showing what they got

This year, Tallinn is the European Capital of Culture so there are lotsa events going during the year. Pretty fun actually. I am going back to Tallinn for a short trip in July when my mom and aunt come over for a visit. I cannot wait!

As my parents finally found the way to Finland (after 2,5 years of me living up here!) I thought I would do something special and take them to Tallinn, Estonia. I’ve never been there before either and thought it would be a great opportunity.

It only takes about 2 hours with the ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn. The ferry we took was called “Superstar”…what a coincidence 😉

a bit blurry but i hope u can see it

nice hat ‘eh?

Aleksander Nevski Cathedral in Tallinn…kinda reminded me of the great time in Russia

brrr it was cold!

me at my best!drinking Glögi

my mom and I

christmas market

Santa looking all weird ( i think he even was drunk!)

Tallinn is such a beautiful small city. Even though it was kinda cold it was great!!! Would like to go back there in the summer time!