Posts Tagged ‘Waren/Müritz’

Day off (for real)

Posted: August 18, 2010 in friends, summer
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And it felt so gooooood! I met up with a good friend I haven’t seen in over a year. We went “shopping” (if you can call it like that in a town like Waren), went to eat and met up with another friend and enjoyed some coffee at the harbor. The weather wasn’t that nice…but doesn’t it always rain when you’re on a day off???

view from the café

Steffi and I

that’s what you get from shoe shopping 😉

And now I’m back to thesis writing because I do not have any other hobbies 😉

1. It’s Showtime

Some of you might know that I love musicals, shows and theater so I was quite excited to see some shows again this summer. Finland is not a big musical country so I always have to wait until I’m back in Germany again to enjoy some shows…

This summer I got to see:

Ganz oder gar nicht/The Fully Monty & Non(n)sense

Der Schuh des Manitu & The Producers

and Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


I love getting to know new places and the feeling I have when I’m stepping out of a plane, train or car in another country is just incredible. I know that probably sounds weird but I enjoy discovering the highlights and secrets of a new city.


Rotterdam was the final destination of my summer 2009

3.Friends & Family

I always love it when I see my friends and family outside of Finland again. I remember last summer I was travelling through Germany almost the entire summer to visit my friends…unfortunately this year I don’ have the time to do that 😦 So I did not get to see as many friends as I wanted to…Hamburg,Berlin, Düsseldorf…I miss you!!


4.Barbecues in the garden

I loooove “barbecue-ing”! What’s better than grilled chicken, potato salad, ice cold drinks and great company on a hot summer night?


5.Back to the roots

Although I love (living in) big cities I also enjoy going back to my roots: the life in a small town with lots of nature…Waren/Müritz… This summer I got it all 🙂


Today I did a little boat trip. Jess was here in Waren/Müritz for a quick visit and we wanted to rent a pedal boat but they were all gone so we just went for the rowboat. The guy who rented the boats already grinned but didnt say anything and cleaned the boat for us. I think he had a great laugh as he could watch us entering the boat. We must have looked very funny…but I mean has anyone of you ever tried to enter a rowboat?! That’s hard work people! Somehow we managed to get in there without keeling over ;). Then I freaked out a little cuz there was a GIGANTIC spider in our boat…OMG!!!!!!! But…I survived! So proud of myself!

Ok then we started our “trip” with a spectacular speed of 0,2 kilometers an hour…it took us forever to move the boat! But we managed.Somehow. And I am so proud that we did not lose our oars! But we were pretty close to a couple of times 😉

My arms and hands are kinda sore now but I really enjoyed that trip! Below a picture of the captain of the boat 😉

Miss Captain Jack Sparrow hihi