Posts Tagged ‘Utrecht’

The day started early-ish and with a hashish smell in our room. It was not us!I swear…I guess our neighbors must have had a little hash party the night before as you could smell it everywhere the next morning.

Anyways, we went to Utrecht again in the morning in order to get some tickets for the show. What we didnt know was that it snowed a lot during the night/early morning. Driving was horrible! And I think the Dutch are not used to that much snow as they drove super slow. Sometimes it even felt like you were faster if you were walking. Eventually we made it to Utrecht…a little later than planned but we got tickets for 50% off in row 17. But we spent the entire show in row 1 because we are truly awesome! 😉 It was a great show! The guy who played “Joseph” was much better than the one on Friday.In general the cast was amazing! I don’t know what they took but they were even funnier than last time!

There was quite some snow chaos in Utrecht. Well, actually in whole Holland. it was a pleasure to get all of the snow off the car.

it took us about 30 minutes

The way back to Amsterdam was a bit scary as the highway was very icy and slippery and it took us over 1 hour longer than usual. The night we spent strolling through the city,eating,buying some last souvenirs(again lol) and giving out email addresses to weird Brazilian people. Back in the hotel we enjoyed some drinks(maybe a some more than planned lol)and Vla and listened to some nice music. Tomorrow it’s time to say goodbye…Let’s see for how long! 🙂

bling bling building

beautiful isnt it?

As the weather was quite nice today we decided to do a canal cruise. it was so beautiful! Afterwards we went to Dam Square for some shopping and headed back to our hotel room.(we got another one now btw!). Later on we left for Utrecht and got a bit lost on the highway. Dutch highways are too complicated for Jule(especially when there’s construction)!

Anyways, we made it! We saw the show and it was great!Well, the guy who played “Joseph” could have been a bit better in his acting though. But all the others were great! Don’t know what we’re up to tomorrow. Probably the Dungeon or sth like that.




Beatrix Theater in Utrecht

Guess they knew I was coming  😉