Posts Tagged ‘Bling Bling’

is this awesome Mercedes:

the inside is as blingy as the outside (

I know Christmas is still 6 months away but I just wanted to announce my wish as early as possible cuz I’ve been an especially good girl this year!!! It just costs about 625.000-895.000€. Any volunteers?


I just went into the store because I wanted to say “hi” to a friend, who is working there. But then I saw this necklace and immediately fell in love!

Best of all?? I did not have to pay…my friend gave it to me as a late birthday present. Love Love Love her!!!!!!!!

It is quite heavy though so whenever I wear it, I will not only bling but have a neck work-out at the same time 😉

Bling it on!

I’m sorry I have let you down a bit with my blogging but I am just way too busy to do anything at the moment. Anything except going to work and uni and sometimes I even sleep  😉 In fact, the entire last week I kept myself alive with energy drinks which kinda worked but made me look and sometimes even feel like a ghost.

As I did not have to work today, I took the chance and went Xmas shopping with Jenni which actually ended up in buying more stuff for ourselves than presents for anybody else but to be honest that is nothing new.

Anyways, as we were strolling through the streets I was suddenly blinded by something shiny…

Me like!

Of course I had to go into the store but I was too tired to try them on(scandalous!).But there’s gonna be a next time, trust me! I can’t wait for the next X-mas-shopping-trip cuz I have the feeling that there’s a 90% chance of me ending up with a christmas present…for MYSELF! *bling bling* 😉

P.S. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of my lovely American friends and family!

One of the things that I really missed in Europe was (and still is) The Cheesecak Factory! I just love that place and I was sooo happy when we went there for lunch yesterday. I had a white chocolate and raspberry truffle cheesecake and OMG it was heaven(again lol).

cheesecake factoryshuffling at least 1.000 calories into my system…it was worth it!

As the weather kinda sucked yesterday we decided to go to a mall and do some (serious) shopping. And guess who we met? The only other German in Dallas who is more famous than me:

dirk nowitzkiDirk Nowitzki and I 😉

After browsing through some stores I found THE dress:

Bling BlingJule – the discoball

Of course I had to try it on…it was not that easy to get in there(especially when you dont notice that there actually is a zipper which would make it easier 😉 ). I did not buy it though as I am on a budget and it was kinda expensive ;)…well, next time – for sure!

When we came back from the mall we chilled a bit and watched Mamma Mia! Today we mostly ran some last-minute errands and got ready for the rehearsal dinner. I’ve never been to one so it was very exciting! We drove to the Maple Manor Hotel, which is the wedding venue and rehearsed the procedure of the wedding and when and where people have to walk, line up, carry and hand over bouquets. I have to go down those kinda steep stairs in a very long dress and heels tomorrow and I’m kinda scared that I’ll just roll down those stairs…we’ll see how it ends 😉

When we were done rehearsing we went to an Italian restaurant and had some yummy dinner and after that we drove back home and had a little “Rock Star”(guitar hero) session with Queen songs. It was lotsa fun but I was getting very tired. And now I am still up telling you guys all that crap. I have to get up again in 6,5 hours the latest. We’re getting a pedicure and then we have to get ready for the wedding!Aaahhhh I’m so excited!!!! I’m kinda sad though cuz my “vacation” is almost over but at least we will all be celebrating and ending this great stay and Liz&Dave with a big bang!

I love Berlin – always have and always will!!! You can never get bored there…especially not when you have the great friends I have!

In my prior blog I announced that I wanna go shopping and still need to buy a few things for my Holland trip. And I went shopping. But I have to admit that some stores offer the most ridiculous/funniest clothes/styles ever. Some of you know that I love “bling bling”… so that one hat caught my attention immediately…and Jess joined me on that one:

pretty huh?!?!

And look what I found in “KaDeWe” today:

The most expensive water bottle ever: for just 89,90€ (!!) the amazing amount of 0,75 liters of water is yours! Sale of the century or am I wrong???

Another surprise that really touched me: a Michael Jackson memorial at Alexanderplatz. People put down flowers, pictures, letters and candles to honor the dead “King of Pop”.

Of course we put down a candle too and listened to his music which was played there as well. 🙂