Posts Tagged ‘Holland’

Today we went to the Amsterdam Dungeon. I’ve been to the London Dungeon 3 times already but I somehow must have forgotten how scary this whole experience is…I think I was the loudest one(maybe even the only one when it comes to the screaming part…lalala)

before we entered

right after we entered…the spirit got me 😉

After surviving that experience we went shopping for a bit and then we drove to Westervoort somewhere in the middle of nowhere to see the Oudejaarsshow.

We found out about it on Friday and it sounded very interesting….so we got tickets from somebody and enjoyed the beautiful and very entertaining show for free. Life’s good!Pictures and videos will come soon!

As the weather was quite nice today we decided to do a canal cruise. it was so beautiful! Afterwards we went to Dam Square for some shopping and headed back to our hotel room.(we got another one now btw!). Later on we left for Utrecht and got a bit lost on the highway. Dutch highways are too complicated for Jule(especially when there’s construction)!

Anyways, we made it! We saw the show and it was great!Well, the guy who played “Joseph” could have been a bit better in his acting though. But all the others were great! Don’t know what we’re up to tomorrow. Probably the Dungeon or sth like that.




Beatrix Theater in Utrecht

Guess they knew I was coming  😉

1. It’s Showtime

Some of you might know that I love musicals, shows and theater so I was quite excited to see some shows again this summer. Finland is not a big musical country so I always have to wait until I’m back in Germany again to enjoy some shows…

This summer I got to see:

Ganz oder gar nicht/The Fully Monty & Non(n)sense

Der Schuh des Manitu & The Producers

and Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


I love getting to know new places and the feeling I have when I’m stepping out of a plane, train or car in another country is just incredible. I know that probably sounds weird but I enjoy discovering the highlights and secrets of a new city.


Rotterdam was the final destination of my summer 2009

3.Friends & Family

I always love it when I see my friends and family outside of Finland again. I remember last summer I was travelling through Germany almost the entire summer to visit my friends…unfortunately this year I don’ have the time to do that 😦 So I did not get to see as many friends as I wanted to…Hamburg,Berlin, Düsseldorf…I miss you!!


4.Barbecues in the garden

I loooove “barbecue-ing”! What’s better than grilled chicken, potato salad, ice cold drinks and great company on a hot summer night?


5.Back to the roots

Although I love (living in) big cities I also enjoy going back to my roots: the life in a small town with lots of nature…Waren/Müritz… This summer I got it all 🙂


The alarm clock rang at 4:30am…without any compassion and mercy!! I felt soo dead…should have slept more than 3,5 hours but anyways I managed to get up because THE DAY has finally come: HOLLAND HERE I COME!!!

Jess and I took the train from Berlin to Holland…we even managed to get our connection train in Amersfort within 2 minutes and we managed to get on the wrong train:we almost ended up in Den Haag instead of Rotterdam. I would have liked to see the picture of us speeding through the trainstation with an at least 30 kg suitcase and temperatures around 30°C. We were more than happy when we finally arrived in Rotterdam,found our hotel (don’t ask how long it took us to get there!) and got rid of our luggage.

We were so excited because we were gonna see Renée again and give her the award I have mentioned earlier in this blog. She loved it!!  The Show was amazing! For those who don’t know which show we were seeing: Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat“.That show is amazingly successful in Holland!!

and the winner is… 🙂

Lotsa new people on stage (at leats for us) but they were all very good! Especially the Pharaoh who is modelled after Elvis. OMG I laughed so much! The show is amazing and Renée’s voice gave me goosebumps and even shot tears into my eyes!!

This one’s from the very end of the Show

The Megamix on July 2nd 2009. Love it!

Has anyone of you been to Rotterdam yet? It’s so beautiful!! I was shocked! I did not expect it to be that pretty, and cool and…ahh I don’t know…just go there!!! Here’s a little picture of Rotterdam’s most famous “symbol” taken from the theater!

the Erasmus Bridge

Tomorrow (or better said in 4,5 hours) we’re leaving for a day trip to Amsterdam!! That’s gonna be exciting!! Stay tuned!