Posts Tagged ‘snow’

Apparently it is spring. This is what spring looks like in Ice Age this year:

yay snow!because we’ve only had snow for the last 6 months!

I really hope it will be gone soon!I sooo wanna see flowers and grass again! But I finally had time to distract myself a bit from the weather,work and uni and made a little trip to Wonderland this week!!

My personal Superhero 😉

I loooooooved it! Johnny Depp in 3D is just priceless! He looked a little scary as the mad hatter but whatever you may think now: I still think he’s hot.


That’s all. Back to work.

weekend joy

Posted: February 2, 2010 in friends, fun, Helsinki, Party
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I just love weekends! Don’t you? I love sleeping in (for once) and meeting up with friends. Last Saturday we welcomed my friend Henna back to Finland with a girls night out. She was an erasmus student in Madrid for 5 months and she loved it. I’m happy she had such a great time but I’m happier that we have our “happy face” back where she belongs. 🙂

Isa, Henna & Tiina

Sille, me, Isa & Henna

before stepping into the club

We went to Aussie Bar -a famous night bar/club in Helsinki- and danced the night away. Eventually the club closed and there was a little snow storm waiting for us outside. As there is no nightbus that stops close to my place i always have to walk for about 3km from the last stop the nightbus does. It was actually quite nice to walk in the snow as it looked so beautiful. But it took me twice as long as usual because it was hard to get through the snow.

looking for ur car?

enjoying my nightwalk

pretty isnt it?

Even though I have been living up here in cold Finland for 2,5 years now the winter has never been this cold and we’ve never gotten that much snow. When I’m not freezing and complaining about the temperatures I am actually able to see the the pretty side of the winter:

pictures taken at work today

a look out of the office window

Today was the big day: surgery! I was so scared and nervous that I could hardly sleep last night. When I stepped into the surgery room I felt so weird and kind of helpless. Everything in there scared me. I don’t like surgeries. I haven’t had many in my life yet(thank god!) and the only one I can remember 100% was a tooth surgery…a very bad one…actually 2 very bad ones. Geez, I do have a hard life 😉

Ok, let’s get back on track now:

So I was in the room and was told to lay down but then I saw 2 (huge) syringes. And I was asking the nurse if they would use those evil needles on me…and she said yes!!! I was so shocked. Then the nurse left the room and I seriously had tears in my eyes. I HATE needles! I started to feel dizzy and finally laid down on the operating table because I felt like passing out. Fortunately I didn’t….or maybe unfortunately!

Then the doctor came and started some small talk. I don’t even remember what she said I was so busy not to start crying and panicking. And then I saw her reaching out for one of those syringes.

And she seriously put those two gigantic things into Jule’s teeny tiny little foot with a SMILE!!. It hurt  and burnt LIKE HELL. And then those 2 evil persons started talking about scalpels and sawbs*faint alert!!*…I don’t remember how long my trip to hell lasted but I was surely glad when it was over!

I had to stay at the doctor’s for a while after the surgery and they gave me painkillers.(probably the nicest thing they’ve done to me today!).

I felt a bit weird when I left the doctor’s (the meds might have started working) but I had to pull it together as I still had to drive back home again. But that was easier said than done. (We’ve had quite some snow chaos and storms here during the last few days and it is not easy to get around especially in a car. But I had to use it today to get to my lovely appointment in hell)

Anyways, on the way back I got stuck in the snow. Of course it had to happen to me TODAY! It was not easy to drive with the pain in my foot and then I had to use my feet to get the fricking snow out of the way. My joy was priceless!

Thank God I parked next to the train station and there was some worker from the “Deutsche Bahn”(German Railways) coming my way after 10 minutes of hard work. He helped me out of there and I was good to go again after another 10 minutes.

I was glad when I was home and could relax…and go to sleep because the meds made me very tired. For this reason…

the holy foot

some annoying snow on our patio

looks nice though doesn’t it?

Pheewww!What a day! It took us 9 hours to drive back to Germany. 2 hours longer than expected…stupid snow/construction sites! To be honest I had a hard time not to fall asleep behind the steering wheel…but I had a great entertainer next to me who made me listen to Lady Gaga’s new album…A LOT 😉

Of course we confirmed the stereotype that women don’t know anything about the inside of a car. We ran our of frost protection on the way back (you know that stuff that gets sprayed on ur windshield that cleans your window at the same time)…yeah we ran out of that liquid(and we really needed some!) so we went into car supply store and bought some and then we asked for help cuz we didnt know where to put it. I felt so embarrassed when the woman who sold us that stuff yelled through the store for her colleague to help ” 2 ladies with the frost protection because they don’t know where to put it”. That got us some extra attention we didnt even ask for. Thank you!Merry Christmas to you too!

Anyways, I had a great time during those 4 days!Thanks to everybody!I love the Netherlands and Amsterdam is just truly beautiful(and crazy!) and I advise everybody to go there at least once!(most likely with me  if you want it to be legendary 😉 ).

We took a lot of (stupid)videos which will all be taken and turned into another glorious video. Might take a while though as my secretary is on Christmas vacation and now I have to do it myself 😉 But I still want to show you you something:

Here’s a compilation of the show we’ve been to on Saturday. (Oudejaarsshow). It’s a bit long but I love it…especially the part from 2:53-3:41 WATCH IT!

Oudejaarsshow 2009 in Westervoort

Now you’re up to date with my life again and I can finally go to bed and sleep. So please do not disturb!


Barely back in Germany and already in Amsterdam. I’m on a roadtrip with Jess and it took us looooooong 8 hours to get here. There were like 50 construction sites which slowed down traffic and then the snow camw.Booo! Anyways, we made it. And we were lost only once on those 8 hours!This is like another world record! 😉

Our hotel is very different from what we’re used to…the location is amazing but the room is…well, see yourself:

Tonight,we checked out a few things already…more to come tomorrow!

Bling Bling!!

one day this baby is MINE!!!

Tomorrow afternoon we’re gonna go to Utrecht to go see “Joseph” again. But this time: front row!Wahoo. A bit scary but I bet it’s gonna be fun!Stay tuned!

Big hello (or maybe even good night/good morning) from Russia. I am in St.Petersburg now. I am on a study trip with my marketing course until Sunday night. It’s 3:51 am and I am kinda tired but I still wanna tell you a few things about my first impressions. Monday morning we took a train at 7am from Helsinki to St.Petersburg. The train ride was actually fun but quite exhausting. We arrived at 2:15pm Russian time. We had the rest of the day to ourselves. To be honest I don’t really remember what we did. We checked into our hotel and I think we tried to find some store to buy food/water. You can’t really drink tab water in Russia and brushing your teeth with that water might not be a good idea either.

looks pretty healthy though doesn’t it?

I think after we figured out that our hotel is actually located in a shopping mall we were kinda ok lol. We went to eat at some “pizza&Pasta” place which promised an English menu. It is really hard to find anything in English here. The restaurant sucked…but what do I know? lol. We spent the night at some friend’s hotel room…having a little party….pretty quiet one for Finnish standards but hotel security came at some point and let us know that we should better shut up. As all of us were(and still are) kinda scared of the Russians we kinda obeyed lol.

Today we went to some fancy university to have some lecture about Russian Business culture and we got to meet some nice Russian students. In general I can say that Russians are so damn unfriendly and they don’t (or they don’t want to) speak English. Their impoliteness really pisses me off. They don’t even look you in the eye and kinda treat you like shit. If I would not be so scared of them (they look really grumpy though!) I would actually go up to them and give them one of my awesome lectures and evil eyes!

We went to eat at some Russian place which I didn’t like. There are 2 reasons for that: 1st The food was crap, 2nd They treat you like shit. After that some of us went to the famous “colorful cathedral” as we like to say. It was so pretty. But as it was snowing the entire day, some of us thought it would be fun to have a little snow ball fight there. And they were right…it was fun…but cold! At some point I was convinced I had some kind of a swimming pool in my boots.

We spent the night at some other friend’s hotel room and played some drinking game which fucked up some of us pretty badly.(not me…seriously! Although there would have been enough reasons for that!I’m sure there’s gonna be some material on facebook pretty soon…)

Tomorrow or better said later we have to meet at 1pm to go to the American chamber of commerce and then the Ford company here…I think. But some of us(incl. me) thought it would be cool to meet p at 7.20 am, have breakfast and do some sightseeing before we have the meetings. At the moment I don’t feel very comfortable doing that. I just came back from the aforementioned party and I should get p again in 3 hours the latest…let’s see how it works out! I’ll try to keep you up to date. !

P.S people here are weird.girls look like prostitutes and guys are just…ugly. 😉

Oh man…that was one rough weekend! Actually I planned on having a nice chilled and relaxing weekend as it was the last one before my trip but that did not work out quite well. I was sick (again) but this time it was worse. I felt horrible and sleepy and like staying in bed. But then I pumped myself with antibiotica and made a quick and spontanous visit to IKEA with Jenni and Enrico and bought stuff I did not really need…except for the new bright orange slippers ;).  This was followed by a little movie night. I thought I could just sit there and pass out. But noooooo of course Enrico and Jenni chose a movie which would cheer everybody up: MAMMA MIA! (which I’m gonna see again in a few days with Lizzie!!!)…so instead of falling asleep we sang…well Enrico did, I was just laughing!

The next day(which was actually Sunday already) was followed by some more antibiotica, hot tea and studying. I finally had to start my home exam for my “promotion” class.

school workActually I planned on having the entire exam done by the end of the weekend but that did not really happen. And I’m still not done as it is very complex. The deadline is Oct.30th but I want to have it done before I leave for Texas as I won’t have time and energy to do anything while I’m there.

Then Monday came and my voice was gone. Nice trade huh? Didn’t go to my morning class as I felt horrible but eventually I left the house to run some errands and because I was so depressed that I could not speak I cheered myself up and went shopping 😉 and it worked!!

It was like destiny…I went in there and I could see it from a galaxy far,far away…blinging and looking all amazing…my new treasure:

bling blingI look like a glitter ball wearing it but Christmas is just 2 months away and in between I’ll just wear it to some party (combined with black leggings and boots or heels?) or whenever I feel like being awesome 😉

Ok back home I worked on my exam again and kinda skipped my last evening class. And then I thought with me having been very poductive all day I could go to bed early tonight so I’m well-rested to start working on a presentation with my IMEA(International Marketing Analysis Programme) team mates tomorrow morning. Well I guess I have to do that without being well-rested…but that’s ok. I can do that because I’m awesome – at least that’s what people keep on telling me 😉

P.S. we had the first snow this season today!!! Don’t know why that sounds so exciting cuz I’m not ready for that yet 🙂